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PRecycling project meeting: a fruitful exchange on the progress

On 14th October, the PRecycling Consortium meeting, hosted by COOLREC, took place in the hybrid form, as the partners were able to join both online and in person in Waalwijk, the Netherlands.


The partners gathered to discuss the progress of the work carried out in the first six months of the project and to evaluate the work carried out in all work packages and the way forward. After the opening of the meeting by NTUA, the event continued with an overview of the status quo of the project activities.  The meeting counted on the participation and the interventions of the WP Leaders, and together with various task leaders, PRecycling partners got updated on the project’s progress and latest updates.


The meeting ended with an agreement on the action plan for the next 6 months.


A long and excited journey has just begun!

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