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PRecycling project – Kick-off meeting in Athens
on 28 April 2022

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Thanks to the gradual easing of the COVID-19 travel restrictions, the 17 partners of the PRecycling project were able to meet in person on the occasion of the kick-off meeting, hosted by the coordinator at NTUA, the National Technical University of Athens, on 28 April 2022.


The participants were also given the possibility to join the discussion online, in order to allow a broader involvement and a comprehensive exchange, by including all members of the consortium.


During the first part of the meeting, the project advisor of the European Commission Mrs. Kristina Bole provided her input, which focused on the project implementation aspects and future expectations, highlighting, in particular, the importance of periodic reporting and of transparent and regular communication within the context of the rules regarding the project dissemination. 


The European Commission’s contribution was followed by a short introduction of all partners, their specific area of expertise, and how this will represent a valuable contribution to the different work packages.


Subsequently, the coordinator, prof. Costas Charitidis opened the core session of the meeting, following with a presentation of a general overview of the work that will be carried out within the work packages, the composition of the consortium, the project’s concept, and its main goals and objectives. Furthermore, the expected impacts on the achievement of a fully circular economy, in the context of the pivotal goals set in the framework of the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy Action Plan II were stressed.


The work package leaders provided a synopsis of the work that will be carried out in the different work packages, which helped the partners to fully understand the interconnections between the different work packages, the future perspective of their cooperation, and the best ways to actively contribute to the cross-cutting activities that will involve the entire consortium for the successful attainment of the ambitious goals that the project aims at achieving.


The kick-off meeting undoubtedly paved the way for an upcoming fruitful collaboration during the 48-month project, at the end of which the home appliances, toys, and textile industries will become “circularity frontrunners”, by developing an easy-to-use methodology for sorting, sampling, tracing, and recycling techniques.


If you wish to stay up to date on the PRecycling project’s developments, visit regularly our website or contact us. 

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101058670.

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